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ChatGPT, Yakında Video Oluşturma Yeteneğine Kavuşuyor! Sora Desteği Yolda!

ChatGPT, Soon to Create Videos! Sora Support is Coming
OpenAI has announced plans to integrate Sora into ChatGPT. This means we’ll soon be able to create realistic videos using ChatGPT.

Last December, OpenAI launched the AI tool Sora, which is capable of generating realistic videos from text commands. However, this model was only available to paid subscribers through a dedicated Sora website and was not accessible from every country.

Now, there’s good news for users: Sora is set to be integrated into ChatGPT soon.

ChatGPT Will Soon Be Able to Create Videos

According to statements made during a meeting last Friday, OpenAI aims to bring Sora to ChatGPT. This means that users will soon be able to create videos through ChatGPT. Currently, it has features for generating images, and adding video will elevate its capabilities, much to the users’ delight.

While executives mentioned that they are working on merging the two models, no information was provided on when this will become a reality. We don’t know if it will be available soon or if we need to wait longer.

It was also noted that the version of Sora integrated into ChatGPT may not perform at the same level as the one on its own website. Some features may be sacrificed due to the integration with ChatGPT. The standalone version had capabilities for editing images as well.

Sora Will Also Generate Images

Additionally, the company shared an interesting piece of news about Sora. It was reported that Sora will soon gain the ability to generate images as well. While the DALL-E 3 model is currently available, it appears that the company plans to develop a separate image generation capability within Sora. We can anticipate that it will produce much more photorealistic images compared to DALL-E 3.

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